About The Department
The department of Public Administration in the Punjabi University Campus has a distinct identity of its own. To begin with, the Postgraduate classes in Public Administration were started in the Evening Institute of Postgraduate Studies, situated at M. M. Modi Degree College, Patiala in 1971. The UGC also gave sanction to the Department to start three job-oriented Post -graduate Diploma courses, namely PG Diploma in Public Relations and Advertising, PG Diploma in Urban Development and Municipal Administration; and PG Diploma in Social Welfare Administration. Keeping in view the relevance of the subject, the University authorities shifted the Department of the Public Administration to Punjabi University campus in 1978. Since then, the department has come a long way and presently, it is one of the important departments of Social Sciences and it has been contributing significantly to the teaching and research of the discipline. Only some Universities in India have the distinction of having an independent Department of Public Administration and our Department is one of them. Since 2009, the department has been also running a UGC sponsored PG Diploma in Human Rights and Duties. From 2024, 5 Year UG-PG Programme in Public Administration has been started also.
Thrust Areas
- Administrative Theory and Thought
- Local Government
- Indian and State Administration
- Social Welfare Administration
- Emerging Areas in Indian Administration
- e-Governance
- Disaster Management
Courses Offered and Faculty
Infrastructure Facilities
- Class room: 04
- Rooms for teaching staff: 04
- Rooms for Research Scholars: 01
- Office: 01
- Equipment: 05 Computers for teachers and office, 03 Photo-copier cum Printer, 02 Printers, 01 Overhead Projector, 01 Photo State Machine,
- 01 Computer Lab.
- 04 Smart Class Room.
Seminars/ Conferences Conducted
- National Seminars: 20
- National Conferences: 02
- International Conference: 02
- Refresher Course: 01
- Workshops: 05
Significant Achievements
- More than 65 Ph.D. degrees and more than 150 M. Phil. degrees have been awarded to the students so far. Presently, more than 55 students including many international fellowship holder International students are enrolled/ registered for Ph.D. degrees on key areas of Public Administration.
- Besides excelling in academics, the students of this department regularly win prizes in the Zonal and Inter-Zonal Youth Festivals of the University.
- Our faculty members are holding various important positions in the International and National Professional Bodies.
- Our faculty members frequently act as Resource Persons in various academic and training institutions.
- Conducting Career Guidance Sessions for our students.
- Extension-lectures by eminent scholars of the field are conducted every year.
- Taking an educational trip is another annual feature of the department.
- Many International Students from Uganda, Ghana, and Afghanistan have finished their M.A. Public Administration from our department in recent years.
- Many International Students from Ethiopia, Botswana and Afghanistan have pursued or are pursuing Ph.D. from our department.
- Many students of the Department are serving as Lecturers at University and College level. Some students have risen to become Head of Departments of Universities and Training Institutions as well as Principals and Vice-Principals of colleges. Some students are there in the various branches of administration.
- Many research students of the Department regularly publish research papers in good Journals.
Recent Gold Medalists’ pictures are enclosed here.
Students-Aid-Fund as per University rules.
Post-Matric Scholarship as per Punjab Government rules.
Information authenticated by
Webpage managed by
University Computer Centre
Departmental website liaison officer
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